Monday, 15 November 2010

Website Article 1

Essex Couple Prepare to Build School in Kenya

This article is going to be the most recent on my website, do it will be the first article the readers/viewers can see. I am also going to use this story on the first page. I am going to be using this story to replace my initial idea of having a story about teenage pregnancy because I found this article more interesting to read, and on the first pages of the newspapers that I have studied, they usually don't have the most dramatic and interesting stories on the front page: they are spread out through the whole newspaper. So I am having this article and my article about university fees on my home page, then there is a wider age group shown on the front page rather than both based on teens.

CHELMSFORD COUPLE Jade Woodley and Stuart King with help from their friends prepare to travel to the Mwala district of Kenya to help build a primary school and help educate the children of the Kanyongo village until the school is

finally finished.
Jade told us, "we're really hoping that we can influence others to follow in our footsteps and help children who are so much less fortunate than the children here, who are able to receive education without concern"
Stuart added " We'd really like to thank everyone who helped us raise the £4218 that will be helping us get out there and getting the materials to build this school in Kanyongo"
Jade, Stuart and friends have matched the raised funds with their own earnings, doubling the total to a tremendous £8436.
For this story, I have used two teachers in my school to fit the role of 'twenty-somethings' who are going to Kenya to build a school. I chose to use teachers because they would fit the role better, as they already teach and this conveys a reason for them to actually want to go to a under-developed country to build and teach.
I have decided to use the second photograph because of how you can see Rory's shirt untucked, along with the top of his head being cut off verys slightly on the first. You can also see cables to the left side of the photograph. I will be cropping the photograph before I use it, so that they photo is more focused on them, rather than where they are.

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